Reference… “Covid-19 Inspires Automotive Companies To Rebound In Five Stages”

We are in the midst of the greatest crises of recent times. All economic sectors are suffering and the automotive and electric-mobility ones are no exception. Reality shows that in some places March has not been bad for the electric mobility. With record sales figures in France, Germany and Norway, for example. In this context and with many countries starting to get out of confinement, it is interesting to think about strategies that can help us to recover successfully. In this sense, the authors propose 5 stages for a total exit from the tunnel. Nevertheless, we will be prudent and follow the figures closely in order to be prepared for the “new normal”. Anna Mª Francino, Business Development, CityVitae


We are still in the early stages of a global health crisis resulting from the coronavirus pandemic. Protecting lives is the first priority, but we must also protect our livelihoods. For automotive and industrial companies, surviving and emerging stronger at the far end of this crisis will require thinking beyond the next fiscal quarter. Success in the long run will require a journey across five stages: Resolve, Resilience, Return, Reimagination, and Reform


McKinsey Insights – March 2020

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